Original Staff of British Acetones: (from L to R): Mr. McLaughlin, Asst. Construction Engineer; Capt. A. E. Gooderham, Asst. Gen. Mgr.; J. Leys Gooderham, Asst. Chemist; E. Metcalfe Shaw, Chief Engineer; H. B. Speakman, Bacteriologist; Col. A. E. Gooderham, Genl. Mgr.; J. W. Hayward, Constructing Engineer; D. Alliston Legg, Chemist.
Nov. 30, 1918, CTA 1583-10 (outside Building 6)
Bacteriological laboratory, Mr. F.H. Carter (left), Mr. Speakman (right) who had charge of the plant, CTA 1583-1 (Building 7)
Construction staff of acid concentrators,
February 1918, CTA 1583-37
Workers dressing millstone on 2nd floor
of mill with millstones and rolls,
Nov. 12, 1918 (Building 3)
Workers weighing meal into mash tubs,
Nov. 12, 1918, CTA 1583-73 (Building 5)
Workers showing controls of mash tubs,
Nov. 12, 1918, CTA 1583-74 (Building 5)
Workers with racking off of rectified butyl into drums,
Nov. 13, 1918, CTA 1583-105
Workers with butyl in steel drums ready to be shipped,
Nov. 13, 1918, CTA 1583-106 (Building 62A)
Chemists in Bacterial laboratory,
Nov. 21, 1918, CTA 1583-146 (Building 7)
Bacteriologist Speakman and Fermentation Dept. staff,
Nov. 22, 1918, CTA 1583-148
Mr. Legg and two assistants in the chemical laboratory,
Nov. 18, 1918, CTA 1583-149
Chemists, Distillation Routine Laboratory,
Nov. 18, 1918, CTA 1583-150
Chemist D. Alliston Legg with Acetone and MEK staffs,
Nov. 22, 1918, CTA 1583-151
Chemist D. Alliston Legg with chemical laboratory staff,
Nov. 22, 1918, CTA 1583-152
British Acetone office and staff,
Nov. 18, 1918, CTA 1583- 154 (Building 25)
Drafting office and staff,
Nov. 18, 1918, CTA 1583-155
Chief Engineer E. Metcalfe Shaw with his engineering,
drafting and other staffs,
Nov. 22, 1918, CTA 1583-156
British Acetones Staff & Employees,
Nov. 16, 1918, CTA 1583-160A & 160B
British Acetones Staff & Employees,
Nov. 16, 1918, CTA 1583-160A & 160B